#110: Law as Religion / Conclusion

Introduction to the philosophy of law argument and concept that law is a religion in present post-modern Technological Society. This conclusion is a final comment on the previous multiple-part contemplation asking whether law has become a religion in Technological Society?

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#107: Law as Religion / Part I: The Necessity of Having Law as a Religion

Introduction to the philosophy of law argument and concept that law is a religion in present post-modern Technological Society. This Part I of III contemplates the necessity of having law as a religion in Technological Society.

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#105: Women and Nihilism

This podcast argues for nihilism as a morality for the working class. This episode specifically deals with the effect upon such nihilism of the working class relationship to feminism and of any sympathy for the female sex/gender often present in the working class.

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#103: Practical Philosophy of Language: Sex/Gender Part IV

Building on the prior episodes on the philosophy of language, these episodes give practical examples of the concepts working in practice in the post-modern disputes on the meanings of sex and gender.

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#102: Practical Philosophy of Language: Sex/Gender Part III

Building on the prior episodes on the philosophy of language, these episodes give practical examples of the concepts working in practice in the post-modern disputes on the meanings of sex and gender.

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#101: Practical Philosophy of Language: Sex/Gender Part II

Building on the prior episodes summarizing modern philosophy of language, these episodes give practical examples of the concepts working in practice in the post-modern disputes on the meanings of sex and gender.

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#100: Practical Philosophy of Language: Sex/Gender Part I

Building on the prior episodes summarizing modern philosophy of language, these episodes give practical examples of the concepts working in practice in the post-modern disputes on the meanings of sex and gender.

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#99: From Philosophy Looking Back to Vietnam / Part II

A continued interview with philosopher Christopher Gregory about his life experience going from Vietnam to studying philosophy. He looks back on what philosophy has taught him about life and the will to power.

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#94: Moore’s Paradox, Belief, and Mental State

Contemplation of the conceptual differences between belief and knowledge through the aphorism: “people believe what they want to believe”; through contemplation of Moore’s Paradox; and through contemplation of the concept of a mental state of belief. Contemplation of how it is possible to voluntarily, knowingly, and intentionally have false beliefs and of how it is epistemically possible to use such false beliefs to achieve knowledge.

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#93: Moore’s Paradox

Contemplation of the conceptual differences between belief and knowledge through the aphorism: “people believe what they want to believe” and through contemplation of Moore’s Paradox. Contemplation of how it is possible to voluntarily, knowingly, and intentionally have false beliefs and of how it is epistemically possible to use such false beliefs to achieve knowledge.

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#92: Belief and Knowledge: Part II

Contemplation of the conceptual differences between belief and knowledge through the aphorism: “people believe what they want to believe”. Contemplation of how it is possible to voluntarily, knowingly, and intentionally have false beliefs and of how it is epistemically possible to use such false beliefs to achieve knowledge.

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#91: Belief and Knowledge: Part I

Contemplation of the conceptual differences between belief and knowledge through the aphorism: “people believe what they want to believe”. Contemplation of how it is possible to voluntarily, knowingly, and intentionally have false beliefs and of how it is epistemically possible to use such false beliefs to achieve knowledge.

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#87: Data Science and Ethics and Morality

Basics of how the wordgame of data science may affect normative wordgames of ethics and morality. Definitions and implications of science for a modern non-academic audience and from a working class perspective.

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#86: Data Science and Normative Language

Basics of how the wordgame of data science may affect normative wordgames of ethics and morality. Definitions and implications of science for a modern non-academic audience and from a working class perspective.

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#83: Introduction to Philosophy of Law: Hybrids

This is an introduction to the philosophy of law viewed from a working class ontology. This episode summarizes the hybrid philosophies of law and their subset jurisprudence that exist between the extremes in philosophy of law consisting of natural law theory and legal positivism.

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#82: Introduction to Philosophy of Law: Natural Law & Legal Positivism

This is an introduction to the philosophy of law viewed from a working class ontology. This episode summarizes the extremes in philosophy of law consisting of natural law theory and legal positivism.

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#81: Aesthetics as a Language Wordgame

A contemplation of the basic principles of old school and new school aesthetics and of art as all being language wordgames that can be contemplated in terms of the meanings of words in the same way as any language can be contemplated. Does art have a duality of meaning, existential and non-existential, with its ultimate truth of which we can speak being pragmatic?

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#80: Aesthetics New School

A contemplation of the basic principles and struggles of new school aesthetics that were given birth or created by the skepticism of the scientific and industrial revolutions and by the skepticism of modern philosophy and our  Technological Society.

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#79: Aesthetics Old School

A contemplation of the basic principles of the old school aesthetics of the ancients and of medieval philosophy before the scientific and industrial revolutions and thus before the skepticism of modern philosophy and our  Technological Society.

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#78: Memorial Day Pietas: Concluding Contemplation on Aesthetics with Vietnam Vet Gary K. Wolf

A Memorial Day Pietas with Writer and Vietnam Veteran Gary K. Wolf contemplating esthetics generally and the esthetics of his individual work.


In memoriam especially for actual or in spirit shipmates on eternal patrol:

There is a port of no return, where ships
May ride at anchor for a little space
And then, some starless night, the cable slips,
Leaving an eddy at the mooring place . . .
Gulls, veer no longer. Sailor, rest your oar.
No tangled wreckage will be washed ashore.

Lost Harbor
by Leslie Nelson Jennings

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#77: Memorial Day Pietas: Continuing Contemplation on Aesthetics with Vietnam Vet Gary K. Wolf

A Memorial Day Pietas with Writer and Vietnam Veteran Gary K. Wolf contemplating esthetics generally and the esthetics of his individual work.


In memoriam specifically for actual or in spirit shipmates on eternal patrol:

There is a port of no return, where ships
May ride at anchor for a little space
And then, some starless night, the cable slips,
Leaving an eddy at the mooring place . . .
Gulls, veer no longer. Sailor, rest your oar.
No tangled wreckage will be washed ashore.

Lost Harbor
by Leslie Nelson Jennings

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#76: Memorial Day Pietas: Beginning Contemplation on Aesthetics with Vietnam Vet Gary K. Wolf

A Memorial Day Pietas with Writer and Vietnam Veteran Gary K. Wolf contemplating esthetics generally and the esthetics of his individual work.


In memoriam specifically for actual or in spirit shipmates on eternal patrol:

There is a port of no return, where ships
May ride at anchor for a little space
And then, some starless night, the cable slips,
Leaving an eddy at the mooring place . . .
Gulls, veer no longer. Sailor, rest your oar.
No tangled wreckage will be washed ashore.

Lost Harbor
by Leslie Nelson Jennings

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#75: Memorial Day Pietas: Pietas and Beginning Contemplation on Aesthetics with Vietnam Vet Gary K. Wolf

A Memorial Day Pietas with Writer and Vietnam Veteran Gary K. Wolf contemplating esthetics generally and the esthetics of his individual work.


In memoriam especially for actual or in spirit shipmates on eternal patrol:

There is a port of no return, where ships
May ride at anchor for a little space
And then, some starless night, the cable slips,
Leaving an eddy at the mooring place . . .
Gulls, veer no longer. Sailor, rest your oar.
No tangled wreckage will be washed ashore.

Lost Harbor
by Leslie Nelson Jennings

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#74: Social Constructs

Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of the concept of a “social construct” in philosophy of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism. Specific examples of social constructs acting as delusions to hide reality are the popular disputes over the words “gender” and “cognitive science”. This podcast deals with a pragmatic theory of language and emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#73: Meaning, Sense Experience, Theory, and Social Constructs

Contemplates further and tries to clarify the relationship between existentialist and pragmatic theories of language as exhibited in popular culture by the use of the wordgame “social construct”. Tries to contemplate for workers and from the perspective of the working class how wordgames become techniques to hide the reality of the use and usefulness of words as a means for aesthetics at best or as power as an end in itself at worse.

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#71: Free Will

What is free will? Is it real or simply a useful fiction for justifying the execution and punishment inflicted by the ethics and law of the powers-that-be? Basics of the metaphysics and ontology branch of philosophy.  Metaphysics is the study of first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space. Ontology is the study of being. This episode contemplates the metaphysical and ontological question of what is free will within the context of philosophy of language.

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#70: Time and Space

What is time and space? Are they real or simply attributes or wordgames in our perceptions and language about reality? Basics of the metaphysics and ontology branch of philosophy.  Metaphysics is the study of first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space. Ontology is the study of being. This episode contemplates the metaphysical and ontological questions of what is time and space in preparation for the question of what is free will?

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#69: Ontology

Basics of the metaphysics and ontology branch of philosophy.  Metaphysics is the study of first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space. Ontology is the study of being. This episode contemplates ontology as having separated from metaphysics and having become existentialist reasoning and thought capable of contemplating being without the language games problems of metaphysics and the philosophy of language.

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#68: Modern Metaphysics Part II

Basics of the metaphysics branch of modern philosophy.  Metaphysics is the study of first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space.  Modern metaphysics in this episode is contemplated as a language game in modern philosophy of language.

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#67: Modern Metaphysics Part I

Basics of the metaphysics branch of philosophy.  Metaphysics is the study of first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space. The emphasis in this episode is on modern metaphysics as a language game in the philosophy of language.

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#66: Ontology and Metaphysics

Basics of classical metaphysics and ontology as a subset of metaphysics.  Metaphysics is the study of first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space. This contemplation is for a modern non-academic audience and from a working class perspective varying from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.

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#65: Introduction to Metaphysics

Basics of the metaphysics branch of philosophy.  Metaphysics is the study of first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space. Philosophers and theologians will be discussing basic history, problems, and issues in philosophy and metaphysics for a modern non-academic audience and from a working class perspective varying from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism. The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#64: Introduction to Epistemology

Basics of the epistemology branch of philosophy. Epistemology is the study of knowledge and justified true belief. Philosophers and theologians will be discussing basic history, problems, and issues in philosophy and epistemology for a modern non-academic audience and from a working class perspective varying from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.

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#63: Science and its Future as Religion

Basics of philosophy of science. Definitions and implications of science  for a modern non-academic audience and from a working class perspective. The emphasis in this episode is the status of science as a modern demigod and secular religion and its future as such.  Contemplation of what secular religion may replace science once its present adherents realize the implications of its falsification attribute. The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#62: Order from Disorder / Probability and Statistics

Basics of philosophy of science. Definitions and implications of science  for a modern non-academic audience and from a working class perspective. The emphasis in this episode is on probability and statistics used as a means to hide the falsification attribute of science and to hide the inability of science to give certain truth.

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#61: Order from Disorder / Evolution and Intelligent Design

Basics of philosophy of science. Definitions and implications of science  for a modern non-academic audience and from a working class perspective. The emphasis in this episode is on the basics for comparison of rational tools and theories to differentiate between science and non-science such as art and trades and pseudo-sciences such as the social sciences. Example comparisons consist of evolution and intelligent design.

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#60: Social Sciences

Basics of philosophy of science. Definitions and implications of science  for a modern non-academic audience and from a working class perspective. The emphasis in this episode is on the basics for comparison of rational tools and theories to differentiate between science and non-science such as art and trades and pseudo-sciences such as the social sciences.

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#59: Scientific Language

Basics of philosophy of science. Definitions and implications of science  for a modern non-academic audience and from a working class perspective. The emphasis in this episode is on the ability of science to assume or ignore contradiction as part of its technique for achieving pragmatic truth.

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#58: Falsification

Basics of philosophy of science. Definitions and implications of science  for a modern non-academic audience and from a working class perspective. The emphasis in this episode is on the required attribute of falsification for something to be a science.

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#57: The Problem of Cause and Effect

Basics of philosophy of science. Definitions and implications of science  for a modern non-academic audience and from a working class perspective. The emphasis in this episode is on the concept and problem of cause and effect.

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#56: Inductive Reasoning and the Ravens Paradox

Basics of philosophy of science. Definitions and implications of science  for a modern non-academic audience and from a working class perspective. This episode deals with the problem of inductive reasoning.

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#55: What is Science?

Basics of philosophy of science. Definitions and implications of science  for a modern non-academic audience and from a working class perspective. The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#54: In Praise of Honest Nihilism

Contemplation of the question of why does God hate the poor and the answer previously reached. Does this answer matter? Contemplation of nihilism and its relationship to theology and philosophy, all within the context of a philosophy of language. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in philosophy of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.

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#52: Assumption of the Contradiction: Scientific Language, Consciousness, Subconscious, and Analytic Philosophy

Contemplation on the unique attributes of scientific language: falsification and the ability to assume contradiction into language as a benefit. This contemplation uses the example of “subconscious thought”, entropy, and dark matter/energy and others. Does the existentialist and pragmatic nature of language apply to the language of science? Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in philosophy of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.

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#51: The Language of Science

Does the existentialist and pragmatic nature of language apply to the language of science? Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in philosophy of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.

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#50: The Language of Mathematics, Logic, and Science

Does the existentialist and pragmatic nature of language apply to the language of mathematics, logic, and science?  Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in philosophy of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.

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#49: Philosophy of Language Clean-up Part II

Contemplates further and tries to clarify the relationship between existentialist and pragmatic theories of language and the metaphysics of idealism, rationalism, materialism, empiricism, and solipsism. Argues that existentialist and pragmatic theories of language are the only way to avoid solipsism.

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#48: Philosophy of Language Clean-up Part I

Contemplates further and tries to clarify the relationship between existentialist and pragmatic theories of language and the metaphysics of idealism, rationalism, materialism, empiricism, and solipsism. Argues that existentialist and pragmatic theories of language are the only way to avoid solipsism.

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#47: Quine’s Fabric

What is language? What is the meaning of words? Is a private language possible? Do words such as mind, consciousness, and even pure logic and mathematics have any existential meaning? Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in philosophy of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism. This podcast deals with a pragmatic theory of language and emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#46: Pragmatic Theory of Language

What is language? What is the meaning of words? Is a private language possible? Do words such as mind, consciousness, and even pure logic and mathematics have any existential meaning? Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in philosophy of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism. This podcast deals with a pragmatic theory of language and emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#45: Existence Precedes Essence

What is language? What is the meaning of words? Is a private language possible? Do words such as mind, consciousness, and even pure logic and mathematics have any existential meaning? Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in philosophy of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism. This podcast deals with an existentialist  theory of language and emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#44: Existentialist Theory of Language

What is language? What is the meaning of words? Is a private language possible? Do words such as mind, consciousness, and even pure logic and mathematics have any existential meaning? Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in philosophy of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism. This podcast deals with an existentialist theory of language and emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#43: The Duck-Rabbit

What is language? What is the meaning of words? Is a private language possible? Do words such as mind, consciousness, and even pure logic and mathematics have any existential meaning? Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in philosophy of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.

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#42: Wittgenstein’s Beetle

What is language? What is the meaning of words? Is a private language possible? Do words such as mind, consciousness, and even pure logic and mathematics have any existential meaning? If the meaning of words is their use, how is a philosophy of language even possible? Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in philosophy of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.

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#41: Intro to Philosophy of Language Part II

What is language? What is the meaning of words? Is a private language possible? Do words such as mind, consciousness, and even pure logic and mathematics have any existential meaning? Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in philosophy of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.

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#40: Intro to Philosophy of Language Part I

What is language? What is the meaning of words? Is a private language possible? Do words such as mind, consciousness, and even pure logic and mathematics have any existential meaning? Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in philosophy of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.

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#39: Why does God hate the Poor: Does the Answer matter?

Why does God hate the poor? Does it matter what the answer is? Must existentialism deny nihilism? Given humanity’s and each individual human’s universal need for power, what difference does it make that only some succeed in achieving power as an end in itself?  Is rejecting God the closest one can be to becoming a god?  Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.  The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#38: Why does God hate the Poor: Who are the hated Poor?

Why does God hate the poor? Who are the poor? Why does Christian theology state that the poor will always be among us?  Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.  The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#37: Why does God hate the Poor: The Answer.

Why does God hate the poor? This episode provides an answer to the previous contemplation on this question. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.  The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#36: Why does God hate the Poor: Does the Trinity concept help?

Why does God hate the poor? Can God love or hate? This episode contemplates whether the Trinity concept of Christianity helps in answering these questions and analyzes to what extend religious concepts such as the Trinity should be considered when contemplating the ontological nature of God. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology.

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#35: Why does God hate the Poor: Can God hate?

Why does God hate the poor? Can God hate? This episode contemplates, questions, and seeks to define the human concepts of love, hate, and passion to determine if they can be applied to God. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.  The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#34: Why does God hate the Poor: can God love? Part III

Why does God hate the poor? Can humans live without passion? Can God be a Being without passion? This episode contemplates, questions, and seeks to define the human concepts of love, hate, and passion to determine if they can be applied to God. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.  The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#33: Why does God hate the Poor: can God love? Part II

Why does God hate the poor. Can God love? This episode contemplates, questions, and seeks to define the human concept of hate to determine if it can be applied to God. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.  The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#32: Why does God hate the Poor: can God love? Part I

Why does God hate the poor. Can God love? This episode contemplates, questions, and seeks to define the human concept of love to determine if it can be applied to God. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.  The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#31: Why does God hate the Poor: does He will this hate?

Why does God hate the poor. Does he will this hate? This episode questions whether human concepts of knowledge, truth, will, and thought apply to God. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.  The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#30: Why does God hate the Poor: does He know and think about this hate?

Why does God hate the poor? Does he know of and think about this hate? This episode questions whether human concepts of knowledge, truth, and thought apply to God. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.  The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#29: Why does God hate the Poor: is this a universal hate?

What is the meaning and nature of the questions of whether God is moral, just, or fair and of the nature of good and evil and its presence in the world in relation to the nature of God? This episode questions whether questions of God’s justice, fairness, morality, ethics, good, or evil are issues limited solely to human nature or are of the essence of reality. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.  The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#28: Why does God hate the Poor: is God fair?

What is the meaning and nature of the questions of whether God is just or fair and of the nature of good and evil and its presence in the world in relation to the nature of God? This episode contemplates whether God is fair. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.  The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#27: Why does God hate the Poor: is God just?

What is the meaning and nature of the questions of whether God is moral and just and of the nature of good and evil and its presence in the world in relation to the nature of God? This episode contemplates whether God is just. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.  The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#26: Why does God hate the Poor: is God moral?

What is the meaning and nature of the questions of whether God is moral and of the nature of good and evil and its presence in the world in relation to the nature of God? This episode contemplates whether God is moral. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.  The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#25: Why does God hate the Poor? Prologue Part III

What is the meaning and nature of the questions of whether God is moral and of the nature of good and evil and its presence in the world in relation to the nature of God? By contemplating the argument of God’s so-called intelligent design of the universe, this episode further clarifies the difference between the questions: why does God hate the poor and why does he allow good and evil in the world?  This so-called intelligent design is analogous to the good and evil and randomness and arbitrary nature of a poker game.

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#24: Why does God hate the Poor? Prologue Part II

What is the meaning and nature of the questions of whether God is moral and of the nature of good and evil and its presence in the world in relation to the nature of God? Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.  The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#23: Why does God hate the Poor? Prologue Part I

Is God moral? The nature of good and evil and its presence in the world in relation to the nature of God. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.  The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#17: Introduction to Theology: Relationship between ancient, medieval, and modern theology and philosophy including St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, and Galileo.

Introduction to Theology: Relationship between ancient, medieval, and modern theology and philosophy including St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, and Galileo. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to medieval and modern philosophies and theologies of religion, language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism. The emphasis is on how dominant theologies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical and theological ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology though the subject of comparative religion and the nature of God will also be discussed.

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#18: Introduction to Theology: Relationship between philosophy, theology, and religion’s concept of God including Friedrich Nietzsche and Karl Marx

Introduction to Theology: Relationship between philosophy, theology, and religion’s concept of God including Friedrich Nietzsche and Karl Marx. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to medieval and modern philosophies and theologies of religion, language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism. The emphasis is on how dominant theologies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical and theological ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology though the subject of comparative religion and the nature of God will also be discussed.

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#19: Ontological proof of the existence and nature of God.

Ontological proof of the existence and nature of God. Introduction to Theology: Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to medieval and modern philosophies and theologies of religion, language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism. The emphasis is on how dominant theologies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical and theological ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology though the subject of comparative religion and the nature of God will also be discussed.

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#20: Pascal’s Wager and a religious, pragmatic, or existentialist nature of God.

Pascal’s Wager and religious, pragmatic, and existentialist views of the nature of God.  Introduction to Theology: Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to medieval and modern philosophies and theologies of religion, language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism. The emphasis is on how dominant theologies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical and theological ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology though the subject of comparative religion and the nature of God will also be discussed.

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#21: Comparative religion including realism, non-realism, and pragmatic and Ludwig Wittgenstein theory of language.

Comparative religion including realism, non-realism, and pragmatic and Ludwig Wittgenstein theory of language.

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#22: Islam, religion or politics, plus Christianity and Buddhism logically compared.

A practical application of discussed theories of comparative religion using Islam plus Christianity and Buddhism logically compared and discussed as to whether they are religion or politics. Islam is studied as a warrior religion exhibiting a “master morality” in comparison to “slave morality” modern versions of Christianity.

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#14: Rebuttal on David Hume, induction/deduction distinction, morality, and ethics

Philosophical rebuttal on David Hume, induction/deduction distinction, morality, and ethics in opposition to existentialism and pragmatics as being the last hope of ethics and morality.

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#15: Rebuttal on Friederich Nietzsche, Christianity, Jesus Christ, ethics, Plato, and morality.

Philosophical rebuttal on Friederich Nietzsche, Christianity, Jesus Christ, ethics, Plato, and morality in opposition to existentialist and pragmatic views.

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