#78: Memorial Day Pietas: Concluding Contemplation on Aesthetics with Vietnam Vet Gary K. Wolf

A Memorial Day Pietas with Writer and Vietnam Veteran Gary K. Wolf contemplating esthetics generally and the esthetics of his individual work.


In memoriam especially for actual or in spirit shipmates on eternal patrol:

There is a port of no return, where ships
May ride at anchor for a little space
And then, some starless night, the cable slips,
Leaving an eddy at the mooring place . . .
Gulls, veer no longer. Sailor, rest your oar.
No tangled wreckage will be washed ashore.

Lost Harbor
by Leslie Nelson Jennings

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#77: Memorial Day Pietas: Continuing Contemplation on Aesthetics with Vietnam Vet Gary K. Wolf

A Memorial Day Pietas with Writer and Vietnam Veteran Gary K. Wolf contemplating esthetics generally and the esthetics of his individual work.


In memoriam specifically for actual or in spirit shipmates on eternal patrol:

There is a port of no return, where ships
May ride at anchor for a little space
And then, some starless night, the cable slips,
Leaving an eddy at the mooring place . . .
Gulls, veer no longer. Sailor, rest your oar.
No tangled wreckage will be washed ashore.

Lost Harbor
by Leslie Nelson Jennings

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#76: Memorial Day Pietas: Beginning Contemplation on Aesthetics with Vietnam Vet Gary K. Wolf

A Memorial Day Pietas with Writer and Vietnam Veteran Gary K. Wolf contemplating esthetics generally and the esthetics of his individual work.


In memoriam specifically for actual or in spirit shipmates on eternal patrol:

There is a port of no return, where ships
May ride at anchor for a little space
And then, some starless night, the cable slips,
Leaving an eddy at the mooring place . . .
Gulls, veer no longer. Sailor, rest your oar.
No tangled wreckage will be washed ashore.

Lost Harbor
by Leslie Nelson Jennings

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#75: Memorial Day Pietas: Pietas and Beginning Contemplation on Aesthetics with Vietnam Vet Gary K. Wolf

A Memorial Day Pietas with Writer and Vietnam Veteran Gary K. Wolf contemplating esthetics generally and the esthetics of his individual work.


In memoriam especially for actual or in spirit shipmates on eternal patrol:

There is a port of no return, where ships
May ride at anchor for a little space
And then, some starless night, the cable slips,
Leaving an eddy at the mooring place . . .
Gulls, veer no longer. Sailor, rest your oar.
No tangled wreckage will be washed ashore.

Lost Harbor
by Leslie Nelson Jennings

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#69: Ontology

Basics of the metaphysics and ontology branch of philosophy.  Metaphysics is the study of first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space. Ontology is the study of being. This episode contemplates ontology as having separated from metaphysics and having become existentialist reasoning and thought capable of contemplating being without the language games problems of metaphysics and the philosophy of language.

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#62: Order from Disorder / Probability and Statistics

Basics of philosophy of science. Definitions and implications of science  for a modern non-academic audience and from a working class perspective. The emphasis in this episode is on probability and statistics used as a means to hide the falsification attribute of science and to hide the inability of science to give certain truth.

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#60: Social Sciences

Basics of philosophy of science. Definitions and implications of science  for a modern non-academic audience and from a working class perspective. The emphasis in this episode is on the basics for comparison of rational tools and theories to differentiate between science and non-science such as art and trades and pseudo-sciences such as the social sciences.

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#55: What is Science?

Basics of philosophy of science. Definitions and implications of science  for a modern non-academic audience and from a working class perspective. The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#52: Assumption of the Contradiction: Scientific Language, Consciousness, Subconscious, and Analytic Philosophy

Contemplation on the unique attributes of scientific language: falsification and the ability to assume contradiction into language as a benefit. This contemplation uses the example of “subconscious thought”, entropy, and dark matter/energy and others. Does the existentialist and pragmatic nature of language apply to the language of science? Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in philosophy of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.

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#47: Quine’s Fabric

What is language? What is the meaning of words? Is a private language possible? Do words such as mind, consciousness, and even pure logic and mathematics have any existential meaning? Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in philosophy of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism. This podcast deals with a pragmatic theory of language and emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#46: Pragmatic Theory of Language

What is language? What is the meaning of words? Is a private language possible? Do words such as mind, consciousness, and even pure logic and mathematics have any existential meaning? Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in philosophy of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism. This podcast deals with a pragmatic theory of language and emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#45: Existence Precedes Essence

What is language? What is the meaning of words? Is a private language possible? Do words such as mind, consciousness, and even pure logic and mathematics have any existential meaning? Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in philosophy of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism. This podcast deals with an existentialist  theory of language and emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#44: Existentialist Theory of Language

What is language? What is the meaning of words? Is a private language possible? Do words such as mind, consciousness, and even pure logic and mathematics have any existential meaning? Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in philosophy of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism. This podcast deals with an existentialist theory of language and emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#43: The Duck-Rabbit

What is language? What is the meaning of words? Is a private language possible? Do words such as mind, consciousness, and even pure logic and mathematics have any existential meaning? Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in philosophy of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.

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#42: Wittgenstein’s Beetle

What is language? What is the meaning of words? Is a private language possible? Do words such as mind, consciousness, and even pure logic and mathematics have any existential meaning? If the meaning of words is their use, how is a philosophy of language even possible? Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in philosophy of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.

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#41: Intro to Philosophy of Language Part II

What is language? What is the meaning of words? Is a private language possible? Do words such as mind, consciousness, and even pure logic and mathematics have any existential meaning? Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in philosophy of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.

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#40: Intro to Philosophy of Language Part I

What is language? What is the meaning of words? Is a private language possible? Do words such as mind, consciousness, and even pure logic and mathematics have any existential meaning? Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in philosophy of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.

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#39: Why does God hate the Poor: Does the Answer matter?

Why does God hate the poor? Does it matter what the answer is? Must existentialism deny nihilism? Given humanity’s and each individual human’s universal need for power, what difference does it make that only some succeed in achieving power as an end in itself?  Is rejecting God the closest one can be to becoming a god?  Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.  The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#38: Why does God hate the Poor: Who are the hated Poor?

Why does God hate the poor? Who are the poor? Why does Christian theology state that the poor will always be among us?  Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.  The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#37: Why does God hate the Poor: The Answer.

Why does God hate the poor? This episode provides an answer to the previous contemplation on this question. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.  The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#31: Why does God hate the Poor: does He will this hate?

Why does God hate the poor. Does he will this hate? This episode questions whether human concepts of knowledge, truth, will, and thought apply to God. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.  The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#30: Why does God hate the Poor: does He know and think about this hate?

Why does God hate the poor? Does he know of and think about this hate? This episode questions whether human concepts of knowledge, truth, and thought apply to God. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.  The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#29: Why does God hate the Poor: is this a universal hate?

What is the meaning and nature of the questions of whether God is moral, just, or fair and of the nature of good and evil and its presence in the world in relation to the nature of God? This episode questions whether questions of God’s justice, fairness, morality, ethics, good, or evil are issues limited solely to human nature or are of the essence of reality. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in theology from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism.  The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant.

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#8: Is/ought, Open Question Problem

Discusses the arbitrary nature of ethics and morality and their insurmountable is/ought and open question dilemmas. Discusses David Hume’s and modern philosophy’s analyses of ethics and compares it to the history of ethics beginning with Plato and Aristotle continuing to their modern spectrum of versions from John Rawls to Marxism. It concludes with modern ethics being simply practical enforcement of ruling class ideology that is distinct from morality and existentialist and religious morality. Discusses 20th Century ethics and morality from the perspective of existentialism as the last hope for defining morality.

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#9: Ethics, the Pretend Spectrum of Choices

A history of ethics beginning with Plato and Aristotle continuing to their modern spectrum of versions in John Rawls to Marxism. Discusses the arbitrary nature of ethics and morality and their insurmountable is/ought and open question dilemmas with a history of ethics beginning with Plato and Aristotle continuing to their modern spectrum of versions from John Rawls to Marxism. It concludes with modern ethics being simply practical enforcement of ruling class ideology that is distinct from morality and existentialist and religious morality. Discusses 20th Century ethics and morality from the perspective of existentialism as the last hope for defining morality.

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#10: Modern Ethics: Business as Usual

Ethics as ruling class ideology that is distinct from morality and existentialist and religious morality. A history of ethics beginning with Plato and Aristotle continuing to their modern spectrum of versions in John Rawls to Marxism. Discusses the arbitrary nature of ethics and morality and their insurmountable is/ought and open question dilemmas.

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#1: Prologue / Philosophical Truth and Illusion

Truth or Illusion? Is there a difference in the modern world of algorithms and statistical knowledge? If there is, does it matter to individual happiness which one chooses? Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in philosophy and theology from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism. The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology.

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#2: Philosophical Truth

Truth, Red Pill or Blue Pill, Does It Matter?


Basics of truth and illusion in philosophy and reality are discussed in this episode. The basic elements and problems of defining truth and separating it from illusion are discussed. Definitions and implications of truth are summarized from ancient empiricism and materialism to idealism, rationalism, 20th Century pragmatism, and philosophy of language. Basic history and discussion from the working class perspective of issues in philosophy and theology from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism. The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology.

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#4: Idealism/Rationalism

Truth, Red Pill or Blue Pill, Does It Matter?

Basics of philosophy. Definitions and implications of truth are summarized in idealism, rationalism, pragmatism, solipsism, and philosophy of science. Philosophers and theologians will be discussing basic history, problems, and issues in philosophy and theology for a modern non-academic audience and from a working class perspective varying from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism. The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology.  Both Western and Eastern perspectives will be covered.

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#5: 20th Century

Truth, Red Pill or Blue Pill, Does It Matter?

Basics of philosophy. Definitions and implications of truth in 20th Century pragmatism, rationalism, philosophy of language, mathematical logic, Wittgenstein, and Gödel. Philosophers and theologians will be discussing basic history, problems, and issues in philosophy and theology for a modern non-academic audience and from a working class perspective varying from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism. The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology.  Both Western and Eastern perspectives will be covered.

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#6: Clean-up

Truth, Red Pill or Blue Pill, Does It Matter?

Basics of philosophy. Definitions and implications of truth in empiricism, materialism to idealism, rationalism, pragmatism, and philosophy of language and the use of fiction and imagination as a means for truth. Philosophers and theologians will be discussing basic history, problems, and issues in philosophy and theology for a modern non-academic audience and from a working class perspective varying from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism. The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology.  Both Western and Eastern perspectives will be covered.

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#7: Red Pill/Blue Pill

Truth, Red Pill or Blue Pill, Does It Matter?

Basics of philosophy.  Truth in the Matrix as an example of the nature of rational and irrational choice of truth or illusion from the perspective of existentialism, 20th Century pragmatism, and philosophy of language.  Vote for truth or illusion as the best choice for happiness in life. Philosophers and theologians will be discussing basic history, problems, and issues in philosophy and theology for a modern non-academic audience and from a working class perspective varying from ancient pre-Socratic to modern philosophies and theologies of language, science, existentialism, and pragmatism. The emphasis is on how dominant philosophies have and do affect the working classes throughout history because this is the group of people who suffer the worst and adverse affects of whatever are the dominant philosophical ideals of any given age and who usually are the least knowledgeable about the nature of the ideals and why they are dominant. Theology is studied as a branch of philosophy and not as religious theology.  Both Western and Eastern perspectives will be covered.

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